Learn how to assign a worker to a shift for a given activity or day.
Watch the summary tutorial, or follow the detailed steps below:
Activity view
- Click on any unfilled shift you want to fill to launch the shift modal
- Click ‘Add Worker’
- The dropdown shows available workers for rostering, from the department list associated with that roster
- Selecting a worker launches the confirmation modal
- Workers can be unassigned from a shift by opening the shift modal and clicking the ‘x’ against the worker's name
- Any workers assigned to a shift will be reflected in both the worker and day view.
- If the worker has no schedule on the worker view, this will automatically be created
💡In an unpublished roster, the compliance service will not be automatically engaged.
💡In a published roster, the compliance service will be engaged and check compliance against existing shifts for that workers.🚀 Use ctrl+m to engage the mutli-select tool for efficiency.
Worker view
- If a worker does not have an existing schedule within the roster
- Create the worker schedule by selecting ‘Add Schedule’
- Select worker by clicking ‘Add Worker’ - select from list of unrostered workers who belong to the relevant department list
- Once a schedule is created, click on a blank day - this launches the a new modal
- Select from available shifts in the dropdown
- You will have visibility of remaining shifts of this type to fill (eg. 1/3 - one of three shifts remains to fill to satisfy demand)
- If a worker does have an existing schedule, bypass steps a, b & c above
- Unassign a shift from a worker by hovering over the shift pill and clicking the ‘x’ on the top right corner
Day view
- See the steps for the activity view
- Click into unfilled shifts and assign the worker from the modal
💡If the roster is not published, the worker will not be notified. If the roster is published then the worker will be notified.