Help Centre
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Organisational settings and access
What is Patchwork?
What are our products?
Clinician or worker using the mobile or web app
General troubleshooting
Using the Patchwork web app
Using the Patchwork Bank mobile app
Using the Patchwork Rota mobile app
Contacting Patchwork
Organisational settings and access
Access and sign in
Worker settings
Trust settings
Rota for managers
Planning and creating a roster
Managing a roster
Managing leave
Managing pay processes
Bank for managers
Collaborative Bank
Agency Management
For recruitment
For shift management
For block shifts
For rate escalations
For pay processes
For data analysis
Agency Manager for managers and agencies
For shift management
I'm an Agency
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Help Centre
Organisational settings and access
What is Patchwork?
What are our products?
Clinician or worker using the mobile or web app
General troubleshooting
Using the Patchwork web app
Using the Patchwork Bank mobile app
Using the Patchwork Rota mobile app
Contacting Patchwork
Organisational settings and access
Access and sign in
Worker settings
Trust settings
Rota for managers
Planning and creating a roster
Managing a roster
Managing leave
Managing pay processes
Bank for managers
Collaborative Bank
Agency Management
For recruitment
For shift management
For block shifts
For rate escalations
For pay processes
For data analysis
Agency Manager for managers and agencies
For shift management
I'm an Agency
Organisational settings and access
Access and sign in
How can I find out more information about Single Sign-On (SSO)?
I need a Patchwork Bank portal account - what do I do?
What are the different permissions and accounts with Patchwork Bank?
How do I gain access to the Rota portal?
Creating and managing agencies within the Patchwork Bank portal
How do I access Patchwork Insights?
See more
Worker settings
How do I add a worker?
How do I update a rota worker's details in superhub
How do I update a professional number?
How do I amend a worker's contract details?
How do I update a worker’s grade for rostering?
How do I change a worker's grade on Patchwork Bank?
How do I add or amend the rostering cost centre for a worker?
How do I add or amend a worker’s leave entitlement?
How do I add a new exception reporting clinical supervisor for a worker?
How do I remove a worker or portal user?
See more
Trust settings
How do I create a site?
How do I add a department?
How do I create a new department?
How do I create a new department list?
How do I add a worker to an existing department list?
How do I set up new exception reporting categories?
What are minimum enforced breaks?
What is shift auto-cascade and how do I set it up?
As a Patchwork Bank portal user, how do I manage agency tiers?
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