How do I add leave to a roster? (annual leave, study leave, sick leave, special leave, etc.)

Learn how to add leave to any roster.

To add any type of leave to a roster, please follow the below steps: 

  1. Select the roster you need 
  2. Ensure you have the worker view open by selecting the below icon
  3. If the worker has a shift assigned, select the shift and mark the shift as leave (this will keep a record of what shift was in place) 
  4. If no shift has been assigned, select the blank day as shown below. As you hover over it will read ‘Fill Shift’. You will then be prompted to select the relevant leave type. 



Select 'Fill Day' to save and update the roster.


💡If the roster is not published, the worker will not be notified. If the roster is published then the worker will be notified.