Learn about adjusting agency shifts once they've been processed for payroll.
This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to adjust an Agency shift after it has been processed for payroll.
Adjustments can be made to the following details of an agency shift, provided appropriate evidence has been supplied:
- Hours worked
- Breaks
- Agency margin/hr
- Worker pay rate/hr (including WTD)
- Charge rate/comparator rate/hr (hourly charge rate)
Shift conditions:
- Must be an Agency shift
- Must be at Payroll status
User permissions:
- User must have “can manage payroll adjustments” toggled on (Hub Admin or Hub Manager)
There are 2 ways to adjust a shift once the above criteria has been met:
- Navigate to Payroll → Batches → Select Staff Group → click into Batch → click into shift → Adjust shift
- Search shift ID → Click Shift ID → Adjust shift
Clicking “adjust shift” takes you to the following screen:
Once adjustments have been made, the shift reverts back to “Approved” status and is ready to be processed in the “Payments” tab:
Process the adjusted shift(s) for payments and they’ll move into the next batch as normal. Adjusted shifts are clearly marked as an “Adjustment”