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How do I add or amend a worker’s leave entitlement?

Managing the leave allowance for a worker.

To create a worker’s leave entitlement, please follow the below steps:

  1. In the superhub, go to 'View All Staff'

  2. Select the worker

  3. Open the 'Leave Entitlement tab'

  4. Select the correct leave type
  5. To add an entitlement select '+ Leave Entitlement'

  6. Enter the 'Start Date' of the entitlement period
  7. Enter the 'End Date' of the entitlement period
  8. Enter the total entitlement amount for the period (in days or PAs)
  9. Select 'Create'

To amend a worker’s leave entitlement, please follow the below steps:

  1. Repeat steps 1-4 as above

  2. Find the leave entitlement period you wish to amend
  3. Select 'Edit'
  4. Start date, end date, and balance can be amended
  5. Once you have finished, select 'Update'

💡There are restrictions on the ability to amend leave entitlements, i.e. you cannot shorten an entitlement period or amend a balance if this would impact an existing leave record