How do I set up a PIN to sign off timesheets?

This article provides guidance on how to set up a PIN to approve timesheets.

PIN must first be activated for an organisation, and is subsequently switched on for timesheet authorisers in all departments. 

image-png-Sep-06-2023-06-32-40-7808-PMWhen your organisation switches on the PIN functionality, all appropriate timesheet authorisers will be emailed a link to a PIN creation page, where you  will be able to create their own PIN.

If your organisation had previously been using a signature-based method, there will be a 14 day grace period that allows you to utilise the existing signature sign-off, instead of the PIN.

At the end of the grace period, all authorisers who have not already set up their PIN will be switched to PIN sign-off instead. 

💡You must have a Patchwork hub account with timesheet authoriser permissions in order to set up your PIN. If you require a Patchwork hub account, please visit our Help Centre for more information.