How do I swap a shift?

As a Patchwork rota app user, learn how to swap shifts to take control your schedule.

How do I see possible swaps?

  • You can view a list of possible swaps by opening any shift and clicking “View swaps” on your Patchwork Rota mobile app
  • You can view swaps via shifts from your roster or calendar view

Why are there no possible swaps?

  • If there are no possible swaps for your shift then no swaps will be returned when you click “View swaps”
  • Possible swaps are returned when they meet all the following criteria:
    • The shift is in the future
    • The shift is the same type e.g. day shift, long day, night
    • The shift is the same grade
    • The shift is on the same roster
    • You aren’t already working on that day
    • Your colleague isn’t working on the day you are looking to swap

How do I request a swap with a vacant/unfilled shift?

  • You can request a swap into a vacant shift by selecting the shift and clicking “Propose swap”
  • Your department rota coordinators will then be notified by email and be able to review your swap proposal
  • Once they have reviewed your request and made a decision you will receive an email notification detailing their decision
  • If your swap request is successful your schedule will be automatically updated
  • Swap requests are only supported via the mobile app currently and cannot be raised via

How do I request or accept a swap request from a colleague?

  • You can request a swap from a colleague by selecting the shift and clicking “Propose swap”
  • Your colleague will be notified of the request and will have the option to either accept or reject your request.
  • If your colleague accepts the swap request, your department rota coordinators must approve it. You will receive an email notification of their decision.
  • If your swap request is successful your schedule will be automatically updated
  • You can view any swap requests from colleagues via the same area of the mobile app
  • Swap requests are only supported via the mobile app currently and cannot be raised via