I am a timesheet authoriser who is having problems with my PIN

Learn what to do when you've forgotten, or entered your PIN incorrectly.

Shifts can be signed off as soon as they are completed. It is important to verify all details are correct as signing off shifts will then be sent for approval by the relevant department.

💡The primary and preferred sign-off mechanism for timesheet authorisation is through use of a PIN (personal identification number). Previously, Patchwork used a signature-based method as the mechanism. A PIN number is highly secure by design, and significantly reduces the risk of timesheet fraud within your organisation. 


Setting up a PIN


When your organisation switches on the PIN functionality, all appropriate timesheet authorisers will be emailed a link to a PIN creation page, where you 

will be

 able to create your own PIN. If your organisation had

 previously been using a signature-based method, there will be a 14 day grace period that allows you to utilise the existing signature sign-off, instead of the PIN. At the end of the grace period, all authorisers who have not already set up their PIN will be switched to PIN sign-off instead.



What if I have forgotten my PIN, or entered it incorrectly?

If the you have forgotten your PIN, your will be able to use the  'Forgot your PIN?’ button and request a new link to reset the PIN. This reset link will be sent to your email address.

If a PIN is input incorrectly, you will have 2 remaining attempts (3 attempts in total) to input the PIN correctly. After 3 failed attempts, you will be emailed the link to reset your PIN, and will be prevented from signing off further shifts using PIN until this has been reset. Instead, remote sign-off will need to be requested.

If needed, the temporary staffing team will have the ability to reset the authoriser's PIN. 

Requesting remote sign-off

If you require remote sign-off, rather than sign-off via the mobile app, selecting this option to trigger a request to the relevant team. A member of the team will then accept or reject the timesheet, including amended hours. You will receive a confirmation email, detailing the agreed hours.
