How does locking a roster work?

Learn how to lock and unlock rosters for better governance.

How to configure

We can enable locking at an organisation level. This helps to prevent any further changes to a roster for shift or leave records in the past. 

This won't impact any department's roster until the organisation is ready to enable this functionality. 

To enable locking, please reach out to the Customer Care team at

Who has permissions

The ability to unlock shifts and days can be granted in a permission-dependent manner, ensuring flexibility in the process where needed.  

  • Defined by the trust
  • Set for specific users in Patchwork superhub
  • Can unlock a particular record or whole day
  • Can re-lock a particular record or whole day

How to use

After enabling locking in your settings, the system will automatically lock on a given day (e.g. the third of the month) for the previous calendar month of the roster. 

  • This means all shifts are locked
  • All days are locked from allowing new records to be created

When a shift or leave record is unlocked, any user who can normally edit records, can now edit this record. 

When a day is unlocked, any user who can normally create new records, can now create shift or leave records for this specific day. Something to note, unlocking a day does not unlock the existing records on this day. 

How to see audit history

All actions taken when unlocking and locking a shift or leave record are detailed in the existing audit modal. 

All actions taken when unlocking and locking a day are detailed in a new modal available at a roster level.