What are Itemised Payments and how do I use them?

Learn more about managing itemised payments in Patchwork

Patchwork’s Itemised Payments allows an organisation to set rates for and record work done on a per activity basis in addition to the exiting time based rate setting and recording.

With Itemised Payments, an organisation can:

  • Configure rates of pay for individual items of work, per grade & department
  • Retrospectively record a list of activities completed, with pay due to the worker automatically calculated
  • Automatically prepare a pay file, and produce downloadable file ready to be uploaded into ESR
  • Allow workers to record activities completed in the Patchwork app
  • Draw from a larger pool of potential workers with Collaborative Bank functionality

With a new dedicated workflow for ‘pay-per-item’ activity, our system will now support all of your temporary staffing operations in one place, increasing shift fill rates and driving efficiency. We’ve designed our itemised payments workflow to enable you to avoid tedious double data entry, and time-consuming additional out-of-Patchwork procedures. Reduce risk of error, and free up everyone for higher-value work.

If you believe your organisation could benefit from using itemised payments in Patchwork, please contact your Account Director or contact our Customer Care team on help@patchwork.health