What shifts can workers request to swap?

Learn more about shift swapping

The Patchwork Rota mobile app surfaces a list of “like for like” shifts to staff so workers can propose a swap request to rota coordinators

Shifts not meeting the below criteria cannot be swapped via the mobile app

Our definition of “like for like” is outlined with working examples below:


Worker A swaps into a vacant shift

Worker A is an ST1 and has a long shift on Saturday they no longer wish to work and the wish to swap into a vacant shift. The possible vacant swaps are returned based on the following criteria:

  1. The shift must be in the future - you cannot swap with a shift in the past
  2. The shift must exist on the same roster -shift swaps across rosters are not supported
  3. The shift type must be the same - e.g. only long shifts are returned because the shift worker A is looking to swap is a long shift
  4. The shift grade must have the same filter grade - e.g. although worker A is an ST1 it returns FY2, ST1 & ST2 shifts because these grades all have the same filter grade of SHO
  5. The shift falls on a day off (or day when no shift is scheduled) for worker A - e.g. we don’t return shifts that match the above criteria but fall on days worker A is already working

Worker A swaps with worker B

Worker A is an ST1 and has a long shift on Saturday they no longer wish to work and the wish to swap into worker B’s shift. The possible filled swaps are returned based on the following criteria:

  1. The shift must be in the future - you cannot swap with a shift in the past
  2. The shift must exist on the same roster - shift swaps across rosters are not supported
  3. The shift type must be the same - e.g. only long shifts are returned because the shift worker A is looking to swap is a long shift
  4. The shift grade must have the same filter grade - e.g. although worker A is an ST1 it returns FY2, ST1 & ST2 shifts because these grades all have the same filter grade of SHO
  5. The shift falls on a day off (or day when no shift is scheduled) for worker A - e.g. we don’t return shifts that match the above criteria but fall on days worker A is already working
  6. Worker B is on a day off (or a day when no shift is scheduled) when the original shift of worker A is happening - e.g. we don’t return possible for swaps for colleagues who are already working on Saturday
  7. The shift isn’t filled by a bank or agency worker - e.g. swapping with bank or agency colleagues isn’t supported via shift swaps in the mobile app