Help Centre
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I'm a Rota Hub User
I'm a Patchwork Bank Hub User
Welcome to Patchwork
Getting Started on the Hub
Shift Management
Block Shifts
Rate Escalations
Processing Payments
Collab Banks
Simple Agency Management
Data Analysis and Reporting
I'm a Patchwork Bank App User
Welcome to Patchwork
Registering with Patchwork
Collab Bank
Shift Support
Notifications and alerts
I'm a Patchwork Agency Manager User
Welcome to Patchwork Agency Manager
Organisation Configuration
Shift Management
I'm an Agency
I'm a Patchwork Agency Worker
Joining Patchwork
Shift Management
I'm a Rota App User
I'm a Rota Hub User
System Overview
Shift Management
Worker Management
Rota Templates
I'm a Patchwork Rota System Administrator
Live Rosters
Patchwork Insights
Patchwork Refine: Temp Staffing
Introduction - What is Patchwork Refine
Leadership & Accountability
Patchwork System Utilisation
National Vaccination Programme
Rotation Support
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Help Centre
I'm a Rota Hub User
I'm a Patchwork Bank Hub User
Welcome to Patchwork
Getting Started on the Hub
Shift Management
Block Shifts
Rate Escalations
Processing Payments
Collab Banks
Simple Agency Management
Data Analysis and Reporting
I'm a Patchwork Bank App User
Welcome to Patchwork
Registering with Patchwork
Collab Bank
Shift Support
Notifications and alerts
I'm a Patchwork Agency Manager User
Welcome to Patchwork Agency Manager
Organisation Configuration
Shift Management
I'm an Agency
I'm a Patchwork Agency Worker
Joining Patchwork
Shift Management
I'm a Rota App User
I'm a Rota Hub User
System Overview
Shift Management
Worker Management
Rota Templates
I'm a Patchwork Rota System Administrator
Live Rosters
Patchwork Insights
Patchwork Refine: Temp Staffing
Introduction - What is Patchwork Refine
Leadership & Accountability
Patchwork System Utilisation
National Vaccination Programme
Rotation Support
I'm a Rota Hub User
How do I update a worker's details in superhub
How do I use the leave calendar?
How do I add leave to a worker profile?
Can I revert a published roster to draft?
System Overview
How do I reset my password?
How do I view a worker's shifts?
How do I view activities on the roster?
How do I gain access to the Rota hub?
Exception reporting with Patchwork
Using the multi-select tool (Patchwork Rota)
See more
Shift Management
How do I add leave to a roster? (annual leave, study leave, sick leave, special leave, etc.)
How do I amend a shift on a roster?
How do I add a worker to a shift on the roster?
How do I create a new shift on the activity view?
How do I sent a shift to Patchwork Bank from Patchwork Rota?
How do I remove a worker from a shift
How do I set up shift swapping?
Who receives shift swapping request emails?
What shifts can workers request to swap?
How do I review a swap request?
How do I approve a swap request?
Why can’t I approve a swap request?
See more
Worker Management
How do I review annual leave requests?
How do I end date a worker on roster?
How does a worker gain access to view their roster?
I am not receiving leave requests
How do I review and approve/reject an exception report?
How do I manage time off in lieu?
Can I 'split' a worker slot within a roster to allow one worker to take over another’s schedule?
Seeing worker availability on live rosters
What's the difference between leave duration and deduction?
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Rota Templates
How do I create or edit a shift template?
How do I add, amend or remove a worker on a live roster
How do I create a roster?
I'm a Patchwork Rota System Administrator
How do I add a worker?
How do I add a worker to an existing department list?
How do I update a worker’s grade for rostering?
How do I add or amend the rostering cost centre for a worker?
How do I amend a worker's contract details?
How do I update a professional number?
How do I add or amend a worker’s leave entitlement?
How can I create new activity types for activity creation?
How do I add a department?
How do I create a site?
How do I create a new department list?
What is day view and how can I access it?
How do I make a user a leave approver?
How do I set up new exception reporting categories?
How do I add a new exception reporting clinical supervisor for a worker?
How do I manage pay as compensation?
How do I search for a worker on a roster?
Creating and managing service plans
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Live Rosters
How can I see information about the rota pattern or template when managing the roster?
Adding or amending patterns within a roster
Can I add a worker to multiple patterns within a single roster?
Setting and managing minimum and ideal staffing numbers
How do I assign activity to a shift on the roster?
Can I view a worker's shifts from other rosters?
See more